Project #10 Translation Device
Severial weeks ago I was attacked by a crow when I was riding my
My feeling goes like this.
What I get from this
Most of them are Carvus Crows. They are noisy, perching on a vantage point such as a building or the top of a tree and calling three or four times in quick succession, with a slight pause between each series of croaks. They can also distinguish numbers under 30 and recognize human faces. They breeds in the April-july of each year, chooses the high tree to build the nest. They usually gather in the warmer urban areas in winter.
Temperature and weather is very important in there choice of
Can I make a map of their location to let people avoid bomb and know
more about this species?
Data collect
I got data from Global Biodiversity Information Facility (""). The dataset contains close to 8.5 million occurrences (GPS fixes) recorded by GPS trackers mounted on 108 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 37 Herring Gulls breeding at the Belgian and Dutch coast.